What is Nurture?

Is Scoil Chothaithe í Scoil an Droichid.
Is scoil chothaithe í Scoil an Droichid, bíonn an fhoireann i gcónaí ag forbairt agus ag leabú chultúr an chothaithe ar fud na scoile, ag cur le foghlaim agus teagasc, ag dul i bhfeidhm go dearfach ar pháistí agus ar dhaoine óga, trí fhócas a dhéanamh ar riachtanais mhothúchánacha agus forbairt chomh maith le foghlaim acadúil i dtimpeallacht iomlán scoile. Cuirimid chun cinn na sé phrionsabal den chothú, prionsabail a bhí taobh thiar de ghrúpaí cothaithe le breis agus 40 bliain. Ní in áit ár ngrúpa cothaithe, Teachín, a dtugaimid faoin chur chuige iomlán scoile ach cuireann sé leis. Baineann Teachín le hidirghabháil dóibh siúd a bhfuil soláthar grúpa cothaithe de dhíth orthu.
Scoil an Droichid is a nurturing school – this means staff are constantly developing and embedding a nurturing culture throughout the school, enhancing teaching and learning, promoting healthy outcomes for children and young people, all by focusing on emotional needs and development as well as academic learning in a whole-school environment. We promote the six principles of nurture that have successfully underpinned nurture groups for over 40 years. This whole school approach does not replace our nurture group, Teachín but adds to it. Teachín is a more focussed intervention for those identified in need of nurture group provision.
6 PHRIONSABAL AN CHOTHAITHE (bunaithe ar leagan Béarla Lucas,et al 2006) |
1. Tuigtear foghlaim na bpáistí ó thaobh na forbartha de. 2. Is áit shlán é an seomra. 3. Aithnímid an tábhacht a bhaineann le cothú chun follaine an pháiste a fhorbairt. 4. Tá teanga ríthábhachtach mar mheán cumarsáide. 5. Is ionann gach cineál iompair agus cumarsáid. 6. Aithnímid an tábhacht a bhaineann le haistriú i saol an pháiste.
6 PRINCIPLES OF NURTURE Ref: Lucas,S., Insley,K. and Buckland,G. (2006) Nurture Group Principles and Curriculum Guidelines Helping Children to Achieve, The Nurture Group Network |
1. Children's learning is understood developmentally 2. The classroom offers a safe base 3. The importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing 4. Language is a vital means of communication 5. All behaviour is communication 6. The importance of transition in children's lives
Cad é an rud é Grúpa Cothaithe?
Is áit shábháilte sa scoil é an seomra cothaithe inar féidir le gach páiste a bheith ag foghlaim, ag fás agus ag forbairt de réir a riachtanas féin. Cuirtear béim mhór ar an fhorbairt teanga agus ar an chumarsáid, rud a bhfuil an-tairbhe ag baint leis i suíomh an tumoideachais.
Tairgeann grúpaí cothaithe idirghabháil ghearrthéarmach (idir dhá agus ceithre théarma) chuimsitheach a oibríonn san fhadtéarma trí chleachtais speisialta atá bunaithe ar fhianaise (Bennathan & Boxall 2013). Bíonn idir seisear agus dáréag daltaí i ngrúpa le beirt ar an fhoireann i suíomhanna luathbhlianta, bunscoile nó meánscoile. Freastalaíonn daltaí ar ghrúpaí cothaithe do mhórchuid an ama ar scoil ach tá sé ríthábhachtach go bhfuil siad fós mar chuid ghníomhach dá rang scoile. Tugann an fhoireann iomlán scoile agus tuismitheoirí tacaíocht don ghrúpa. Déantar measúnú ar riachtanais shóisialta agus mhothúchánacha na ndaltaí agus tugtar cuidiú bunaithe ar ghléas measúnaithe darb ainm an Phróifíl Boxall (Boxall Profile).
What is a Nurture Group?
The nurture group is a safe space in the shool where each child can learn, grow and develop according to their own specific needs. There is an emphasis on the development of language and communication, something which is very valuable in a second language immersion setting as we have at Scoil an Droichid.
Nurture groups offer short term comprehensive interventions (between two and four terms) that work in the long term through specialised evidence based practice (Bennathan & Boxall 2013). Groups consist of between six and twelve pupils with two staff members in an early years, primary or secondary setting. Pupils attend the nurture group for most of their time at school, yet, essentially they remain active members of their own class. The whole school Staff and parents provide support for the group. The pupils’ social and emotional needs are assessed and help is provided based on the assessment tool known as the Boxall Profile.
Scoil an Droichid, 4-20 Sráid Cuaic, Bóthar Ormeau, Béal Feirste, BT7 2EP | 028 9031 3283